
ginger bud Learn more about ginger bud

  • Production and cultivation techniques of Ginger Bud

    Production and cultivation techniques of Ginger Bud

    In recent years, in order to expand the export of ginger to earn foreign exchange, various localities have summed up a set of matching technologies for the production of ginger sprouts and achieved high economic benefits. Ginger buds are divided into ordinary ginger buds and softened ginger buds. The production technology of common ginger sprouts is similar to that of conventional ginger cultivation techniques, but it is also different. We should mainly grasp the following points: ① should choose dense seedling varieties with more branches, so that ginger has more branches and buds, and more parts can be used when making ginger buds, so it is convenient to produce more products; ② uses smaller pieces of ginger to sow seeds to reduce investment, improve the utilization rate of ginger, and smaller pieces of ginger

  • How to grow ginger buds

    How to grow ginger buds

    Ginger bud is the bud cultivated from ginger block. It has the characteristics of tender, fresh, fragrant and crisp, and is welcomed by consumers in the market. So how do you plant ginger sprouts? 1. How to plant ginger sprouts? 1. Select ginger: select yellow skin color, thick meat, more latent buds, not frozen dry

    2020-11-08 ginger bud how to seed is ginger block cultivate grow sprout
  • How does ginger seed work well?

    How does ginger seed work well?

    How does ginger seed work well? Please give advice ginger can refer to the following methods of sowing: breaking ginger seeds before sowing into the ground, will be large pieces of ginger seed break apart. When breaking ginger seeds, only 1~2 short strong buds are reserved on each ginger, and the rest buds are removed completely. If you find the root of the bud...

  • Rapid and Efficient Cultivation of Softened Ginger Bud

    Rapid and Efficient Cultivation of Softened Ginger Bud

    In recent years, we adopted indoor measures such as avoiding light and controlling temperature and humidity to cultivate softened ginger buds successfully. This method has a short production cycle, ginger seeds can be harvested 40~45 days after bed, and as long as the temperature, humidity and ventilation are controlled within the appropriate range, they can be produced all year round. The rapid and efficient cultivation techniques of softened ginger buds are introduced as follows: 1. Select white ginger seeds with high germination rate, full bud eyes, suitable size, positive color and no diseases and insect pests. In order to improve the emergence rate, it is best to sow the whole ginger separately according to each bud eye. according to the test

  • Production technology of export ginger sprouts

    Production technology of export ginger sprouts

    The export ginger bud is similar to the conventional ginger cultivation technique, the dense seedling type "Xiao Ginger" with many branches is selected in the variety, and the sowing density is 10000 plants per mu, and the cultivation management techniques are mainly as follows: applying base fertilizer, topdressing and watering as soon as possible to promote the early branching and growth of ginger and pay attention to shading at the same time. The production of ginger sprouts can be carried out from the long seedling of ginger to the harvest time of ginger. To soften the production of ginger sprouts, we should focus on the following links: (1) build a good cultivation site. You can make use of spare houses, warehouses or reconstructed nurseries such as greenhouses and solar greenhouses.

  • What should we pay attention to when sowing ginger?

    What should we pay attention to when sowing ginger?

    What should we pay attention to when sowing ginger? Please give guidance to ginger sowing and planting to be prepared as follows: seed selection and sprouting: in the middle of March, take out the stored ginger seeds and sun for 6 hours, then remove the rotten ginger and the diseased ginger with rotten stems, and select the relatively fat ginger with exposed bud tips as seeds. Put the selected ginger in the greenhouse.

  • Efficient cultivation of softened Ginger Sprouts

    Efficient cultivation of softened Ginger Sprouts

    Softened ginger sprouts are rich in nutrition, sweet, crisp and tender, storage-resistant and pollution-free. Ginger can be harvested 40-45 days after going to bed, and it can be cultivated all the year round as long as the temperature, humidity and ventilation are controlled in a suitable range. The main results are as follows: 1. the white meat ginger with high budding rate, full bud eyes, suitable size, positive color and disease free should be selected. It is best to break the whole piece of ginger according to the bud eye to sow, 32 buds can be produced per kilogram of ginger. Second, sprouting will immediately put a layer of plant ash on the pieces of ginger broken by the bud eyes for disinfection, and then choose a sunny day to dry for 1 or 2 days

  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of tender ginger

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of tender ginger

    The soft cultivation of ginger is based on normal cultivation, increasing cultivation density and strengthening measures of shading and cooling, so as to achieve the purpose of harvesting tender ginger. Such tender ginger not only harvest a long period, high yield, and fresh crisp, thin skin section thin, when eating fresh ginger flavor. 1. Land selection: select fertile soil that has not been planted with ginger for 3 consecutive years. 2. Seed selection: Choose fresh ginger blocks with large blocks, many buds and no diseases and insect pests. 300 kg ginger seeds are needed for every 667 square meters. 3. Ginger seed treatment: first soak ginger in 40% formalin 100 times solution

  • How is ginger grown? Cultivation techniques of ginger

    How is ginger grown? Cultivation techniques of ginger

    How to grow ginger? Ginger has many functions in food and medicine. How to grow ginger? What are the cultivation techniques of ginger? How can I help you?

  • Cultivation techniques of Ginger softening

    Cultivation techniques of Ginger softening

    The softening cultivation of ginger is on the basis of normal cultivation, one is to increase the cultivation density and strengthen the measures of shading and cooling, so as to achieve the purpose of harvesting tender ginger. In this way, tender ginger not only has a long harvest time, high yield, but also fresh and crisp, thin skin and sparse skin, and has a delicate ginger flavor when eating. 1. Choose: choose those who have not planted ginger for 3 years in a row.

  • How to select ginger in planting

    How to select ginger in planting

    How to select ginger for planting? Please give guidance to ginger with simple cultivation and high benefit. Generally speaking, if you plant 100 kg of ginger, you can receive 350-400 kg of fresh ginger, and the high one can reach about 500 kg. The main points of its cultivation techniques are briefly introduced as follows: first, seed selection. In late February or March.

  • How to grow ginger? Introduction to planting techniques of High-yield Ginger and topdressing and soil cultivation of Ginger

    How to grow ginger? Introduction to planting techniques of High-yield Ginger and topdressing and soil cultivation of Ginger

    As the saying goes, "ginger is old and spicy". Compared with tender ginger, old ginger contains the most gingerol and has a stronger pungent degree, so usually if you want to dispel cold, activate blood circulation and remove fishy smell, it will usually be cooked with old ginger, and only with skin will the effect be good.

    2019-06-10 Ginger how planting method high yield technology topdressing soil cultivation
  • Points for attention in the treatment of growing ginger

    Points for attention in the treatment of growing ginger

    Points for attention in the treatment of growing ginger

  • Teach you how to grow ginger with high yield and high quality

    Teach you how to grow ginger with high yield and high quality

    Ginger is the fresh rhizome of ginger, a perennial herb of Zingiberaceae. The rhizome, cork and leaves of ginger can be used as medicine, and ginger is dispersed and stopped in traditional Chinese medicine.

  • How to cultivate the latest ginger sprouts

    How to cultivate the latest ginger sprouts

    Ginger sprouts are the buds that grow after ginger cultivation. The ginger buds are fresh and tender and can be eaten as sauerkraut or sauerkraut. Now there is a certain scale of cultivation, now how to cultivate, what are the conditions for cultivation. What is the method of cultivation? How to be high?

    2020-11-10 The latest ginger sprouts how cultivation yes ginger after
  • The latest course of Ginger planting techniques and methods

    The latest course of Ginger planting techniques and methods

    Ginger is the fresh rhizome of ginger, a perennial herb of Zingiberaceae, alias ginger root, hundred spicy clouds, hook finger, Indicum, hot and cool boy, fresh ginger, honey roasted ginger. The rhizome (dried ginger), cork (ginger skin) and leaf (ginger leaf) of ginger can be used as medicine. Ginger in traditional Chinese Medicine

    2020-11-10 The latest ginger planting techniques methods tutorials yes ginger family
  • High-quality and High-yield cultivation techniques of "Fuyu No.1" Dajiang

    High-quality and High-yield cultivation techniques of

    "Fuyu No.1" Dajiang is a new ginger variety successfully cultivated by Laiwu Agricultural Science Institute in recent years. It is derived from Laiwu turmeric and is a combination of conventional mutation breeding and biotechnology. It is treated with CO60 radiation source to induce its variation, and then tissue culture and rapid propagation technology is used to accelerate its breeding. The target plant was selected from the radiation-treated Laiwu ginger planting field for planting and re-selection. After 5 years of continuous screening experiment, a new ginger variety with excellent and stable characters was successfully selected, which was named "radiation breeding".

  • A new method of accelerating sprouting of turmeric

    A new method of accelerating sprouting of turmeric

    Yang bed sprouting method: dig a sunny bed with wide 15cm, deep 0.6cm and self-defined length, spread rice straw at the bottom, pile ginger seeds on it, and then build a shed to cover the film, which can accelerate the germination successfully in one month. Steamer stacking method: the ginger is piled on the fire pit to form the whole pile of ginger.

    2020-11-08 Ginger sprouting new method abstract sunny bed law digging one
  • I'll teach you a few tips. Ginger can also be made into potted plants and planted at home.

    I'll teach you a few tips. Ginger can also be made into potted plants and planted at home.

    Ginger is a single-minded seasoning plant and has medicinal value. Generally planted in the field, flower friends can think of planting ginger into a pot, the idea is very good. Because the leaves of ginger are green and slender, very much like rich bamboo, they are planted in pots.

  • Planting technology of ginger

    Planting technology of ginger

    Planting technology of ginger
